Ekaterina A. Vasileva
VolgoUralNIPIgas |
Orenburg, Russian Federation EVasileva@vunipigaz.ru |
Olga A. Kalimeneva
VolgoUralNIPIgas |
Orenburg, Russian Federation |
Galiya F. Murzakaeva
VolgoUralNIPIgas |
Orenburg, Russian Federation |
The article covers the points of oil-associated gas recycling. The latest ways for oil-associated gas recycling are presented. As one of the way for recycling is presented a method of technical carbon production from oil-associated gas.
Materials and methods
Engineering solutions for APG recycling at the fields are suggested. Process flow diagram for technical carbon and hydrochloric acid production are presented.
A method of technical carbon production from oil-associated gas is suggested, and that gives an option to use effectively mineral resources and to solve environmental contamination problems.
The method could be used for APG recycling at the fields of the Orenburg region. It is known that oil produced from those fields is sour, and additional sour treatment is required. By that reason H
2S should be preliminary recovered from APG.
Oil-associated gas
technical carbon