Application of a system approach when developing fields of hydrocarbonic raw materials

Alexey N. Laperdin TyumenNIIgiprogaz Tyumen, Russian Federation  
Konstantin S. Holodnov TyumenNIIgiprogaz Tyumen, Russian Federation
Oleg M. Yermilov Gazprom dobycha Nadym Nadym, Russian Federation  

the requirement of providing with fuel and energy resources demands increase of efficiency of processes of development of hydrocarbons deposits. in the presents time principles of a system approach and separate methods of the system analysis are insufficiently used at design and management of development of hydrocarbons deposits. application of a system approach and methods of the system analysis will facilitate and will accelerate design process, will allow to create more reasonable approaches to information use, to selection of criteria of an assessment of this or that alternative, finally, will provide development of effective managing directors of impacts on process.
Materials and methods
Research of constantly operating geological and technological models of fields. Methods: imitating modeling, comparison and assessment of alternatives.
At decision-making on management of development of hydrocarbons fields it is necessary to use the system analysis for efficiency increase.
Introduction of procedures of the system analysis in practice of design and management of development of hydrocarbonic fields will repeatedly increase technological and economic efficiency.
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cистемный подход systems approach development analysis databases control systems