The South Caspian oil and gas perspectives study based on new conceptionof the regional geodynamic development

Igor V. Shevchenko KorSarNeft Moscow, Russian Federation
The region of South Caspian Sea is considered one of the most perspective oil-and-gas bearing basins of the world. In spite of certain volumes of seismic works and deep drilling executed in the last decades, the discussion of modernresearchers about history of South Caspian geological development is distant from the completion.Existent conceptions of geodynamic development of South Caspian are varied, contradictory and while did not allow to form a common idea about mechanisms and features of development of the South-Caspian depression the being characterized greatest depth of sedimentary cover.Today the main activity on hydrocarbon development of South Caspian is concentrated in the Pribalkhan-Apsheron elevations area, well studied as early as70th. The results of marine exploration works are got it is the last years difficult to examine, as unambigiuous in the plan of coefficients of success. Ambiguousness of these results, probably related to absenceof the complete and deep understanding of prospects of the oil-and-gas perspectives, especially in the insufficiently known areas of South Caspian depression. The resultof this situation is relatively subzero rates of geological study of South Caspian and slow down the involving of enormous hydrocarbon potential of this region into industrial development, taking into account high geological and technical risks. The article is the detailed review of oil and gas geological scientific community look development in the flow of the lastdecades on geological history of the South- Caspian , and plugs in itself the analysisof key contradictions, divergences and fellow-feeling of present at different groups scientists in relation to a dynamics and mechanisms of forming of the South-Caspian depression. Preliminary consideration and analysis of present geological and geophysicalinformation on the South-Caspian regionin the format of conception of Earth global degassing, including the hypothesis of hydride Earth suggested by V.N.Larin , already on the preliminary stage of such study to educe certain correlation between development of the South-Caspian region with base statements of conception of deep fluid flow and Earth global degassing . The own variant of geodynamic development of the South-Caspian depression an author. New view is offered on thedynamics of geological development of South Caspian , and also methodology and raising of tasks for consideration ofprospects of the oil-and-gas bearing of the South-Caspian region on the basis of new looks to geodynamic development of this territory.
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South Caspian geodynamics oil and gas perspectives deep fluids flow earth Global Degassing hydride Earth hydroge