Investigation and evaluation of the influence of pressure fluctuation of drilling fluid on working of the boring tool

Irina G. Yashchenko Affiliate of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University Oktyabrskiy, Russian Federation
Lidiya I. Svarovskaya Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Tomsk, Russian Federation
Tat’yana O. Peremitina Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Tomsk, Russian Federation  
Abstract In this paper the solution of fundamental problems associated with the study of chemical composition and mode of oil occurrence in abundance influence, distribution and activityof microflora in formation with the use of statistical methods has been considered.
Materials and methods
Database IPC SB RAS on physico-chemical properties of oil, information scope 20,620 samples oils of the world, geo-information system (GIS ArcGis), methods of statistical analysis.
Statistical analysis of multivariate data on microbiological properties of the produced water and the physicochemical properties samples of the Sovietskoe, Vakhskoye and Samotlorskoye deposits was performed. Patterns of change in physical properties of hard-to oil and microbiological composition of produced water identified.
Application of PCA-analysis allows to analyze multidimensional data on microbiological and physico-chemical properties samples of Sovietskogo, Vakhskogo and Samotlorskogo deposits. The calculation of confidence intervals in the space of two first principal components allowed to establish a significant difference microbiological properties of a sample of three deposits with a confidence level of ?=90%. Analysis of loads on the first principal component revealed the most significant properties of the samples. The patterns of spatial and statistical changes in physical and chemical properties of oils and microbiological composition of produced water using the method of principal components can then be used to select cost-effective and efficient methods of enhanced oil recovery, including microbiology. Establishment of the laws of distribution and the number of microorganisms SRB allow timely to plan and host a number of activities for inhibition of sulfate-reducing microorganisms involved in the corrosion of well equipment and pipelines.
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oil microbiological properties physicochemical properties statistical analysis principal component analysis