Difficult-to-recover oils: physical and chemical properties and environmental impacts of production

Irina G. Yashchenko Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Tomsk, Russian Federation sric@ipc.tsc.ru
The volume of oil production and consumption as the most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly type of fuel materials has been steadily increasing. Expanded to the area and its industrial use, especially in industriessuch as transportation, oil and gas polymer chemistry, metallurgy, etc. Along with the growth of oil production is depleted most of its high-quality resources. Included in the development as reserves, which increase the environmental consequences of their prey. The paper defines the criteria for classifying oils to hard-to. Using a database of physical and chemical properties of oil analysis of the spatial distribution of hard-core petroleum gas basins of the world, the peculiarities of physical and chemical properties, such as oils with anomalous properties, and petroleum in the difficult conditions of occurrence (greater depth, the abnormal formation temperatures,adverse collect. The volume of oil production and consumption as the most technologically advanced and environmentally friendly type of fuel materials has been steadily increasing. Expanded to the area and its industrial use, especially in industries such as transportation, oil and gas polymer chemistry, metallurgy, etc. Along with the growth of oil production is depleted most of its high-quality resources. Included in the development as reserves, which increase theenvironmental consequences of their prey. The paper defines the criteria for classifying oils to hard-to. Using a database of physical and chemical properties of oil analysis of the spatial distribution of hard-core petroleum gas basins of the world, the peculiarities of physical and chemical properties, such as oils with anomalous properties, and petroleum in the difficult conditions of occurrence (greater depth, the abnormal formation temperatures, adverse collectors).
Materials and methods
Database IPC SB RAS on physico-chemical properties of oil, information scope 22180 samples oils of the world, methods of geostatistical and spatial analysis
Spatial analysis of the distribution of difficult-to-recover oils of the world held. Patterns of the occurrence of these oils and features of their properties. Comparative analysis of the physico-chemical properties of difficult-to-recover oils held. Describes the environmental effects of extraction of difficult-to-recover oils.
The paper defines the criteria of the oil to the difficult-to-recover oils. Using a database of physical and chemical properties of oil analysis of the spatial distribution of difficult-to-recover oils of oil-gas bearing basin the world, the peculiarities of physical and chemical properties, such as oils with anomalous properties, and petroleum in the difficult conditions of occurrence (greater depth, the abnormal formation temperatures, adverse collectors). These studies can be used to predict the distribution of areas of planetary fields with difficult-to-recover oils in Russia and the major hydrocarbon basins of the world and determine the basic strategy of preventive protection of the environment during the development of difficult-to-recover oils. The results can be used to develop new environmentally friendly and improvement of existing methods and technologies of oil production and transportation of oil with abnormal physical and chemical properties, as well as to solve other problems of the oil industry.
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