In present work litological and geochemical features of lower permian sediments of core material of the well drilled on a northeast slope of the Southern Tatar arch are studied. According to primary description of core material it is established that the section of the permian and upper carboniferous systems is provided by rhythmical alternation of carbonate and carbonate and sulfate breeds with rare pro-layers of clays, 5–10 cm thick. At the description of a core on lithologic features and the faunistic remains it was not succeeded to stratify in details geological borders within the studied section. During work geological borders of a poorly studied section on analysis findings of lithofacies maps and distributions of the main rockforming oxides on a section of the permian and upper carboniferous thickness are allocated. As a result of border, allocated according to literary data, will be agreed with the borders allocated on sharp changes of content of rock-forming oxides.
Materials and methods
Tabular data of studies of bulk geochemistry of core material from permian and carboniferous sediments. Lithofacial analysis and construction of curves of variations of oxide composition of Permian and upper Carboniferous system on the section of the studied well. the permian system, fields of SVO, a chemostratigrafy, the lithofacies analysis, allocation of geological borders, X-rayfluorescent analysis.
As a result of the research, geological boundaries of the Lower permian sediments in the well, which opened the deposits of the lower perm, were isolated.