Petrophysical basis for modeling expelled water in gas saturated reservoirs of the Achimov sequence

Rodivilov D.B. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Grechneva O.M. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Natchuk N.Yu. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Rusanov A.S. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2021-6-41-45

The current stage of geological study of the achimov deposits of Western Siberia is characterized by a sufficiently large volume of field data, indicating the presence of free (mobile) water zones. The study of the nature of water-cut of net reservoirs and modeling of this process are priority areas for reducing risks of operational drilling within the licensed areas of the Urengoskoye oil and gas condensate field. The work is based on the hypothesis of such zones formation due to expelled water released from compacted clays during tectonic-dynamic compression of rocks and formation of a local structural uplift in the gas saturated reservoir. The paper is devoted to creating a petrophysical basis for modeling the process
of reservoir water-cut according to the described mechanism.

Materials and Methods
Based on special analysis of core from the achimov deposits, the electrical model of the reservoir was matched to the conditions of pore water desalting and its flow model (gas-water system) was built according to “LET” methodology. As a result, all models were integrated into a single saturation model that was verified by well test results.

Key words
achimov deposits, expelled water, electrical model of saturation, flow model “LET”
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