Kuziv K.B.
kbkuziv@tnnc.rosneft.ru |
“Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen |
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-3-26-30
In the process of creating geological models of oil deposits in order to assess hydrocarbon reserves, problems arise in substantiating the hypsometric position of the OWC surface (oil-water contact). The analysis of geological and geophysical materials shows that in nature there are practically no deposits where the surface of the OWC could be represented as a horizontal surface. The article discusses the regularities of the position of the water-oil contact of the reservoir of the productive formation U1 of the Festivalnoye field, identified in the process of geological modeling based on the analysis of the oil and gas bearing system.
Materials and methods
The results of geophysical studies of wells, as well as data on the reservoir geophysical interpretation of the deposit. Analysis of the relationship between the marks of structural surfaces and the position of the oil – water contact. Paleotectonic analysis. Justification of inclined oil-water contact.
Western Siberia, Jurassic deposits, inclined oil-water contact, tectonics