Typification of hydrocarbon accumulations according to the size of geological reserves in the jurassic oil and gas complexes of the north of Western Siberia

Punanova S.A. punanova@mail.ru Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
Dobrynina S.A. Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
Samoilova A.V. Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-7-14-20

The article is devoted to the study of the features of the distribution of oil and gas fields of different sizes in the Jurassic oil and gas complexes (OGC) of the northern regions of the West Siberian oil and gas basin (OGB). Geological reserves (2003 and 2022) of deposits
of the Lower-Middle- and Upper Jurassic complexes have been assessed. It is shown that each oil and gas complex is independent, capable of generating large quantities of hydrocarbons (HC) in mega-reservoirs. The scale of the accumulations is determined by the lithofacies, structural and catagenetic features of the complexes.

Materials and methods
Analytical database on the scale of oil and condensate deposits in the Lower-Middle- and Upper Jurassic productive complexes of the northern regions of the West Siberian oil and gas basin, assessment of the size of fields based on the size of geological reserves, construction of chematic maps.

typification of accumulations, hydrocarbons, oil and gas complex, West Siberian oil and gas basin, mega-reservoirs, geological reserves
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