What do we predict? Relationship of elastic characteristics of the section with facies and lithological features of the formation structure PK19-20 the field Beregovoe

Grishchenko M.A. magrischenko@tnnc.rosneft.ru “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Reshetnikov А.A. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2022-7-30-36  

This article continues the cycle of scientific publications of “NK “Rosneft” PJSC devoted to the development of the scientific direction in the field of facies modeling of complex geological objects of oil and gas fields within the Russian Federation. The article presents the results of interpretation of stochastic inversions performed in the intervals of pay zones PK19-20 the Onshore field of Western Siberia. The purpose of the work was to assess the possibility of predicting facies objects and to assess the applicability of the forecast results in geological modeling. The obtained results made it possible to conclude that the forecast of parameters in the interwell space according to the data of stochastic inversion is limited by facies and lithological features of the structure of the above formations.

Materials and methods
Materials: geological and geophysical, field information, sedimentological core studies, petrophysical core interpretation, logging, seismic data (including stochastic inversion results).
Methods: integration of lithological and sedimentological data of the core, logging, inversion transformations and stochastic algorithms of three-dimensional modeling.

lithological and sedimentological analysis, conceptual model of sedimentation, facies, stochastic inversion, elastic parameters of the environment
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