Typification of well testing processes during prospecting and exploration is a step towards reducing labor costs

Lyalin A.A. aalyalin2@tnnc.rosneft.ru “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Vasiliev V.V. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
Kravchenko А.N. “Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-5-24-27

Improving labor efficiency by reducing labor costs for simple routine operations and freeing up time for processes that require a creative approach is an urgent task of labor organization, especially in the oil and gas industry. One of the approaches to solving this problem is the typification of the processes of work, as well as the formation of standard documentation. The article is devoted to the application of this approach to the testing processes of prospecting and exploration wells in cased and open holes. It is shown that in these processes it is possible to type: the process of planning tests, documentation for planning work on testing, the process of implementing tests, documentation for the implementation of tests, as well as reporting on the performance of work on testing. It is analyzed what exactly is typed in these processes and how it affects the labor costs of specialists and managers. The qualitative effects of unification and typification of well testing processes during prospecting and exploration drilling are shown. The conclusion about the indisputable benefits of the introduction of unification and typification in the processes related to the geology and development of oil and gas fields is substantiated.

Materials and methods
It is analyzed what can be typified in the testing processes of prospecting and exploration wells. It is shown how this typification will affect to labor costs and what qualitative effects it will lead to.

prospecting and exploration work; well testing; cased hole; open hole; process typification; standard documentation; labor organization; labor efficiency; labor costs
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