Paleogeological features of the distribution of oil and gas accumulations confined to megareservaries of the sedimentary cover

Samoilova A.V. Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-4-12-15

In the article, by summarizing the data and their critical analysis, the typification of the processes of formation of mega-reservoirs of oil
and gas in the sedimentary cover of oil and gas basins in both traditional and unconventional reservoirs, including low-pore shale formations, accumulations with hard-to-recover reserves, reservoirs of decompacted basement ledges and other types of geological structures.э

Materials and methods
Analytical and scientific data base on the geological features of hydrocarbon accumulations with gigantic and unique reserves in various oil and gas basins of the world. Analysis and comparative assessment of the qualitative features of the confinement of large-scale accumulations of hydrocarbons to certain natural objects.

mega-reservoirs, oil and gas fields, scale of accumulations, reservoirs, shale formations
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