Geologist-geochemical factors for forecasting large accumulations of oil and gas confined to megareservoirs

Shuster V.L. Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-3-10-13

The article supplements and systematizes the main geological and geophysical factors affecting the formation of large accumulations of oil and gas. Based on a critical analysis of the published material by Russian and foreign authors and a generalization of factual material on 26 of the world’s largest deposits, the relationship between the size of reserves and the geological parameters of the deposit is investigated.
Quantitative and qualitative estimates of predictive geological and geochemical factors have been determined.

Materials and methods
Materials on 26 largest oil and gas fields in the world were used. The quantitative and qualitative relationships of the size of oil and gas reserves with geological and geochemical characteristics (field area, filtration and reservoir properties of reservoir rocks, composition and thickness of fluid seals, oil and gas generation potential, etc.) are analyzed.

oil, gas, large accumulations, reserves, resources, megareservar, favorable factors, forecast criteria
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