Justification of the oil-saturated volume of the deposit when calculating reserves in reservoirs with low FCP

Galimov A.A. kaegkeg@mail.ru Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ufa University of Science and Technology» Ufa
Kotenev Yu.A. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ufa state petroleum technological university» Ufa
Voloshina A.A. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ufa state petroleum technological university» Ufa
Tokareva A.V. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ufa University of Science and Technology» Ufa
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-3-20-25

This paper presents the results of research on the substantiation of the oil-saturated volume of the deposit, represented by low-permeability reservoirs, of the oil-saturated reservoir of the US2 Tyumen formation, using the example of a field within the Salymsky district of the Sredneobskaya oil and gas region. One of the main parameters characterizing the area and volume of the deposit is the calculation level. The reference level is the contact separating the water-saturated section from the productive one, which characterizes the entire oil-saturated volume of the pore space of the rock.
In deposits with low-permeability reservoirs, it is often problematic to reliably determine the oil-saturated volume of rocks, due to the presence of only oil-saturated tributaries in such facilities during testing and operation, both in the arch and in the slope part of the deposit, without a single-phase inflow of reservoir water. In this regard, to perform the calculation of reserves in such facilities, a conditional calculation level (CCL) is taken according to the lowest established mark of the sole of the oil-saturated reservoir, or according to the sole of the perforation interval. At the same time, the volume of the pore space below the received contact is not included in the calculation of reserves, even if there is no single-phase inflow of reservoir water.
During the analysis of geological, geophysical, petrophysical and operational data, results were obtained showing that deposits composed
of low-permeability reservoirs represent a mixed hydrodynamic oil-water system, without oil-water contact.

Materials and methods
Data on the geological structure of the formation, including the sedimentation model, intra-stratum correlation and distribution of filtration and reservoir properties by area and section. Data on the operation of producing wells. Detailing the geological structure, determining the characteristic features of the formation section.

reserves calculation, tyumen formation, achimov formation,
low-permeability reservoirs, counting level, CCL, geophysical studies of wells, oil and water contact

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