A formal approach to the definition of the optimum telemetry aperture value

Alexey G. Zebzeev National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, SC “TomskNIPIneft” Tomsk, Russian Federation zebzeevag@nipineft.tomsk.ru
Usually the infrastructure of oil producing companies is distributed geographically and has distant objects. Data transmittion from all objects to control point can bring to problems related to the lack of system performance. This paper considersthe issue of the regime of sporadic transmission. It is proposed to use the optimization techniques to dynamically determine the basic characteristicsof sporadic transmission - apertures telemetry to eliminate high congestion of communication channels and ensure normal operation.
Materials and methods
The optimal control data transmissionwas based on the developed methods to predict the magnitude of congestion of communication channels.
Criteria for optimal management of sporadic data transmission remote control system developed. These ties can be used in algorithms for forming the application layer data units based on defined restrictions.
In the article considered the question of application block sporadic data with dynamic aperture setting telemetry. Correlated processes for oil production justifies the use of a methodologybased on the prediction of the value of the communication channel utilization. The problem of finding the optimum aperture value requires the determination of the formal criteria for quantifying the control quantities. To this end, the article defines ties the target functional of apertures value. Then find the best solutions may be implemented by one of the known ways of optimizing based on these dependencies. The simulation results showed the effectiveness of proposed method.
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sporadic data transmission telemetry aperture optimality criterion