On extending the service life of process automation systems, process control systems GOFO-2/Ya mal

Kutygin I.A. itg@informtransgas.ru “InformtransGaz” LLC Moscow
Eremin N.A. Oil and Gas Research Institute RAS Moscow
Basnieva I.K. Oil and Gas Research Institute RAS Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-7-113-117

The development and improvement of automated process control systems at gas transportation enterprises based on platform software products is relevant task. The process control system GOFO-2 is one of the world’s largest automated control systems for technological processes of gas transportation. The software and hardware complex are open and flexible tool for solving the problem of extending the service life of the automated process control system GOFO-2, which will reduce investments and minimize risks. The development of the gas transportation system, implementation of new technologies and refinement of the equipment contribute to the improvement of automated process control systems.

Materials and methods
The main tendency for modernization the automated control system for the technological process of gas transport GOFO-2/Yamal were developed during this work, in terms of: shock-free transition to a new set of technical facilities for integrating information and cybernetic processes and creating a unified information space.
The shockless transition model is based on the method of integrating an object-oriented hierarchical SCADA database existing at the data center into a modern system.
To organize the overhaul work, methods of optimal planning for the removal of equipment for repair were used based on special multifactor optimization algorithms that take into account predictive analysis of the condition of equipment, work schedule, availability of crews and materials, as well as forecast of equipment load based on machine learning algorithms.

service life, process automation systems, process control systems, dispatch control, gas transportation
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