Thermometry process automation as a part of the geotechnical control system implementation in Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Oil and Gas

Badichev K.S. “TomskNIPIneft” JSC Tomsk
Mazovets S.A. “TomskNIPIneft” JSC Tomsk
Kilin E.A. “TomskNIPIneft” JSC Tomsk
Napryushkin A.A. “TomskNIPIneft” JSC Tomsk
Gilev N.G. “NK “Rosneft” PJSC Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-7-122-126

The article presents the results obtained by Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Oil and Gas in creating a software module for the Information resource “Geotechnical control” (IR GC), its capabilities and areas of application are described. This software component allows minimizing additional manual operations and risks of human error when receiving data from thermometric equipment. The use of IRGC, which includes this software component, contributes to enhancing environmental safety and reducing labor costs for conducting geotechnical monitoring in oil and gas industry.

Materials and methods
In the course of this work, an analysis of data transmission methods from thermistor strings was carried out and a software module for consolidating data collected from thermometric equipment was developed.

geotechnical monitoring, automation, ground temperature, thermometric equipment, temperature monitoring
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