Dynamic passportization of multi-object multi-parameter systems

Alexey S. Kashik Sc.D., member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, scientific advisor of CEO   JSC “Rosgeology“  askashik@mail.ru
DOI 10.24411/2076-6785-2019-10011

The article is devoted to the completed development of software tools for analysis of accumulated reporting information stored in databases of any multi-object systems accompanied by continuous visualization of intermediate and final results. The purpose of this research is a deep study of the active life of the system (the set of wells in the field, a set of fields of the same type in the companies, the administrative entities of countries, blocs or unions of States, etc.), allowing to evaluate the accuracy, usefulness, timeliness, the appropriateness of past influences on the system, i.e. to obtain new knowledge using which to avoid in the future of past mistakes and wrong decisions, directing the development of systems in the specified target direction. Dynamic passports as a complete analogue of the "biography" of multi- object multiparameter systems equipped with three-dimensional visualization software tools can be considered as the basis for the development of various socio-political and industrial systems.by defining their trends. achievability and sustainability.

According to the author, the dynamic passports are widely and eff ely used for public assessments and discussions of plans to use the successes and failures of development (crowdsourcing), the selection of the optimal trends, etc. Dynamic passport can and should be required material for managers of MPS, regardless of their hierarchical level. The goals, objectives, success and predictability of the future development of the society in all its forms are determined by the accumulation of experience and knowledge gained as a result of in-depth study of previously obtained and stored data, comfortably supplied by dynamic passports of MPS.
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