Taslia M. Murtazina
Geodrilproekt |
Kazan, Russian Federation Murtazina_taslia@mail.ru |
Ljubov M. Mironova
Nauka |
Bugulma, Russian Federation |
Evgeniya E. Andreeva
Kazan, Russian Federation aee8277@rambler.ru |
Yuriy M. Arefiev
Kazan, Russian Federation |
Anna G. Baranova
Kazan, Russian Federation |
Svetlana E. Valeeva
Kazan, Russian Federation |
The purpose of drilling of wells with the horizontal termination in productive layer is reduction of number of wells of design fund without change of density of a grid, economy on infrastructure, development of hardly removable reserves of oil, including under settlements and their sanitary protection zones, nature protection zones of parks, resorts, reservoirs and forests; intensification, preservation and increase in production, petroextraction growth.
On concrete examples high efficiency of application of horizontal technology of construction of wells on terrigenous deposits of the lower carbon fabrics (the bobrikovsky horizon) onoil fields of the Republic of Tatarstan is shown. Importance of use of hardware software of geological and technological researches when carrying out horizontal trunks in productive partof a section is emphasized, both at the solution of geological tasks, and for high-quality accident-free carrying out wells with the minimum material and financial inputs.
The stocks of oil deposits, the deposits of bobrikovskiy horizon, one of the priorities is to use horizontal well construction technology.
horizontal technology
horizontal wells
bobrikovskij horizon
hard-to-recover reserves