Development of a 1D geomechanical model of a well and determination of the recommended drilling fluid density when drilling it in the productive interval of one of the fields of the Caspian basin

Popov S.N. Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
Chernyshov S.E. Perm national research polytechnic university Perm
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-7-50-53

To construct a 1D model, we used dependencies describing the relationship between the elastic-strength properties of rocks and porosity, obtained on the basis of laboratory studies of core samples from a carbonate reservoir in one of the fields of the Caspian basin. Based on the section of one of the vertical wells of the field, the physical and mechanical characteristics and the values of vertical and horizontal stresses along its trunk were determined. A 1D geomechanical model of a well in the productive rock interval was developed and the recommended density of brown mud when drilling a well in this interval was determined.

Materials and methods
The results of previously conducted experiments to determine the porosity, permeability and physical-mechanical properties of core samples were used. To build a 1D model of the well, the RN-Sigma software package was used.

well, 1D model, Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, compressive and tensile strength, stresses, drilling fluid density
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