On the issue of borehole stability during drilling in terrigenous rocks

Parshukova L.A. parshukovala@tyuiu.ru Industrial University of Tyumen Tyumen
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-4-28-31

The problem of well wall stability has been and remains relevant. The constant change of impact objects in terms of depth, lithology, and thermobaric conditions requires improved understanding of the processes and mechanisms of stabilization of the borehole. Knowledge on the physical and chemical interactions occurring in the borehole-rock system is developing and deepening. These dynamic processes require constant improvement of equipment, well construction technology and the drilling fluids used.

Materials and methods
•    production data on well drilling. An incident related to the seizure of an operational column being lowered into the well;
•    the decision to drill the side barrel;
•    preparation for drilling a horizontal shaft on a hydrocarbon-based solution.
Methods: Analysis of production data, taking into account the subsequent use of hydrocarbon-based solution for drilling the horizontal end of the side shaft.

borehole stability, terrigenous rocks
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