The necessity of finding new ways to explore, prospect and develop hydrocarbon deposit because of the increased oil consumption and difficult-to-recover oil reserves (heavy, viscosity, highly resinous, low- and highly paraffinic) defines the urgency of studying physical and chemical properties and oil composition. Therefore to perform the specified researches we have developed at the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS and extend a global database on physical and chemical properties of oils in the frame of information computing system on petrochemical geology. The problems of complex analysis of space and quantitative variations of physicochemical properties of oils have been considered using methods of statistical and spatial data analyses. The spatial analysis was carried out using means of geoinformation systems (GIS) and GIS-technologies. Presented are the results of comparative analyses of space variations of physicochemical properties of viscosity oils occurring in oil-and-gas bearing basins of Russia.
hard-to-recover oils
heavy and viscous oils
oil-gas bearing basin
physical and chemical oil properties