Oleg N. Morozov
"Gazprom Neft Shelf" LLC |
St-Petersburg, Russian Federation shelf.office@gazprom-neft.ru |
Maxim A. Andriyanov
"Gazprom Neft Shelf" LLC |
St-Petersburg, Russian Federation shelf.office@gazprom-neft.ru |
Alexey V. Koloda
”Gazprom Neft Shelf” LLC |
St-Petersburg, Russian Federation shelf.office@gazprom-neft.ru |
Ilkam R. Mukhametshin
”Resman Rus” |
Moscow, Russian Federation ilkam@resman.no |
Marat T. Nukhaev
Siberian Federal University |
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation mnukhaev@hotmail.com |
Alexey V. Prusakov
Resman AS |
Norway alexey@resman.no |
The study discusses the experience of Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC in implementing stationary tracing monitoring technology for horizontal wells in the Prirazlomnoye oilfield. The paper explores the technology of inflow profiling based on the data from intelligent inflow tracers installed in completion strings of production wells in the Prirazlomnoye oilfield.
Materials and methods
Quantitative estimation of fluid inflow per section was accomplished through the «Flushout» model with tracer flushed out by local reservoir inflow.
The findings of the tests conducted in horizontal ICD-wells of the Prirazlomnoye oilfield have suggested that
efficiency of well cleanup upon completionshould be evaluated;
oil contribution per zone of the multizonehorizontal well should be evaluated;
hydrodynamic model of the field should befine tuned.
The innovative technology described in the article helps to handle tasks usually addressed by traditional well logging. Well simulation, nodal analysis and mathematical tools have enabled to determine concentration curve decline during tracer flush-out, which has ensured numerical evaluation of inflow per zone.
well monitoring
production logging
horizontal well
inflow profiling