Modern technological schemes of marine seismic exploration

Mikhail B. Schneerson RGGRU (NPU) Moscow, Russian Federation
High requirements to the quality and productivity of marine seismic exploration determine the modern technology of field observations.The acquaintance of Russian survey geophysicists with the materials of the international geophysical conference is of some interest, since The reports reflect the development trends in marine seismictechnology, which illustrate the efficiency and good prospects for the future and can be useful to domestic marine seismic surveys.
Materials and methods
Description of new seismic explorationtechnologies and the results of their testingand application.
New technological schemes for conducting marine seismic operations make it possible to carry out wide-format and wide-azimuth surveys of high multiplicity, increase work productivity, reduce the level or eliminate crosstalk with simultaneous operation of several seismic lots on the same area, and determine the directions of robotization when working with bottom receiving devices.
The review of publications on new technologicalschemes for conducting marine seismic surveysshowed the following:
advantages of new technological schemes for wide-format surveys in various seismic-geological conditions;
Increase of productivity of works;
Reducing the level and switching off crosstalk from simultaneously operating in the area of several seismic stations;
prospects of robotization of bottom reception systems are outlined.
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marine seismic prospecting sources and receivers of oscillations observation systems carry-over