Horizontal wells gas inflow profile monitoring experience via fiber-optic by “SKMS-online” system

Solovyova V.V.1, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” Moscow
Gulyaev D.N.1, gulyaev.d@gubkin.ru National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” Moscow
Kovalenko K.V.1, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” Moscow
Prilutsky A.A.1, National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University” Moscow
Lazutkina N.E.2 Non-profit partnership “GNPTSNGG” Moscow
Zhuikov G.O.3, “OptoMonitoring” LLC Moscow
Kruppa Z.P.3 “OptoMonitoring” LLC Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-4-24-27

Gas production by horizontal wells from reservoirs with hard-to-recover reserves is significantly growing. Such objects have a complex geology; there are many development control methods to determine the rate of reserve withdrawal and find the potential for production increase. An important part of monitoring is determining the inflow profile. The use of fiber optic sensors allows not only to localize producing intervals in the field, but also to evaluate changes of production inflow profile in real time. The paper shows the results of online monitoring, clearly showing the information content of fiber optics..

Materials and methods
Algorithms for online monitoring of the inflow profile using distributed fiber optic sensors, mathematical determination of the inflow profile using the relative temperature coefficient.

fiber optics, online monitoring, horizontal wells, temperature logging, inflow profile, gas
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