New paradigm for human interaction with computer in analyzing multi-object and multi-parameter systemsand in managerial decision-making

The article describes new ingenious MDV (Multi-Dimensional Viewing) software system created by PEC LLC on the basis of fully CGE-developed ideology. MDV operational principles and functions are extension of earlier CGE-created specialized DV-Discovery, DV-Geo, DV-SeisGeo and other software systems; MDV, however, extends far beyond the fuel-and-energy sector needs. The new paradigm behind MDV is a tool to help the user create “information space for 
manager and specialist” at a sweep. This space is outfitted with ingenious functionality and powerful interactive visualization means allowing the user to work unassisted and gain new knowledge about processes that may directly influence strategic decision-making. Illustrative examples are provided.
Materials and methods
Software products designed to process, interpret and analyze geoscience data. Programming, modeling, simulation, data structuring, database creation, business intelligence.
The article considers principal result of creating new concept to analyze and use multi-parameter data in strategic 
decision-making aimed at developing an industry sector, a corporation and/or an enterprise. MDV evolves from the software systems that were originally designed to process and interpret geoscience data, which has been one of the major lines of CGE activity for over 20 years.
It is not only mathematicians, programmers or IT specialists whom MDV technology permits being conclusively involved in analyzing multi-parameter structures but also a broad variety of specialists and different-level decision-makers in charge of working out development strategy for an industry sector, an enterprise or an enterprise unit.
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