From theory to practice. Technology to reduce water cut has proven effective, but needs further testing

Viktor N. Koryakin Belkamneft Izhevsk, Russian Federation  
Marat Kh. Aminev Paker Oktyabr'skiy, Russian Federation  
Artem A. Zmeu Paker Oktyabr'skiy, Russian Federation  
Currently, most of the oil fields in Russia is at a late stage of development and is characterized by high and ever-increasing water cut. Therefore, the problem of improving the previously known techniques to reduce the volume of produced water and enhancing oil recovery partly flooding are very relevant.
The well № 1 was obtained reducing water cut from 97 to 87% for debit 9 m 3 per day and there is a tendency to a further reduction in this indicator. Based on this, we can recognize the effect of the use of this technology positive. The well number 2 in a short period there was a sharp decline in water production formation. This fact probably indicates leakage previously used dvuhpakernoy build another manufacturer and the technical problems with the equipment. Therefore we can not apply the time between the well test for analyzing the success of technology. At the same time, this fact suggests the effectiveness of the layout-2PROK UOIV-2 to isolate the interval leakage.
So, conducted pilot projects prove the effectiveness of the technology and the need to continue her studies and trials.
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