The results of applying the powder pressure generator for acoustic stimulation of oil production

Konstantin A. Vaganov Perm National Research Polytechnic University Perm, Russian Federation
The paper summarizes the characteristics of wells and results are powder generators acoustic pressure in the period from 2003 to 2010.
Materials and methods
Statistical analysis.
According to the results of treatments a significant amount of old wells in different regions of Russia found that the additional annual oil production reached 800 tons ormore. Wells recently commissioned (at least one year prior to treatment), also gave a significant increase in oil production.
Technology intensification of oil and gasusing PPGA promising for all oil and gas wells(new and old), as well as for degassing and extraction of coal bed methane [4]. The resulting database must be constantly updated with new results and used in selecting the method of intensification of oil.
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intensification of production well technology powder pressure generator the impact on the formation