Assessment of the prospects of multistage fracturing technology application and the choice of optimal well completion type

Ilya V. Borodich TomskNIPIneft” JSC Tomsk, Russian Federation
Dmitriy G. Tkachev National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk, Russian Federation
Introduction of the multistage hydraulic fracturing technology to the horizontal wells is promising because it allows increasing the performance and as a result obtaining the maximum economic benefit. Also it helps to bring previously non-efficient reserves into development. The paper discusses the choice of optimal planned well completion type to develop the whole oil field or its parts depending on different geological and physical characteristics of the reservoir. As reference material the productionof two oil fields in Western Siberia were used.
Materials and methods
In the paper analytical models were used to predict performance of horizontal well with multiple fractures: Hujun Li; R.N. Horne; Boyun Guo and D.S. Schechter; Boyun Guo and Xiance Yu; Hong Yoan.
The paper analyses the performance of the planned well depending on the type of completion and various geological and physical characteristics of the reservoir. The criterion for express assessment of choosing the optimal well completion type is designed, based on an economic assessment.
On the basis of the suggested criterion the optimal boundaries for directional wells with hydraulic fracturing, for horizontal wells and horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing are specified, and a flow chart for choosing the type of planned well completion is proposed.
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completion type planned wells horizontal wells multi-stage hydraulic fracturing