Taslia М. Murtazina
general director |
LLC Geodrilproekt murtazina_taslia@mail.ru |
Evgeniya E. Andreeva
senior researcher |
IPEM TAS aee8277@rambler.ru |
Svetlana E. Valeeva
researcher |
The fulfillment of design indicators in the development of oil fields while maintaining reservoir pressure by water injection largely depends on the effective operation of injection wells. The issues of preventing the loss of injectivity and identifying the main causes of its deterioration, against which it is necessary to develop effective methods for regulating the filtration-capacitive characteristics in the bottomhole formation zone, which can qualitatively and quantitatively restore it and, as a result, increase the coverage of the reservoirs with water flooding, and currently remain relevant in due to constantly changing formation conditions, economic costs and toughening environmental requirements.
DOI: 10.24411/2076-6785-2019-10057