Sinitsyna T.I.
| |
“Tyumen petroleum research center” LLC Tyumen |
Zemtsov Y.V.
Tyumen Industrial University Tyumen |
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-4-22-27
To ensure consistent effect of the repeated selective MSHF technology, the geological and engineering criteria have been defined in this work and a decision-making algorithm for ranking and selecting well-candidates for repeated MSHF in horizontal wells has been developed. The algorithm is successfully applied to maintain the level of oil production in VK1-3 zones of the Kamenny Area of Krasnoleninsky Field covered by horizontal wells. At the end of 2022, pilot tests of the repeated selective MSHF technology in 12 horizontal wells were carried out. The EOR measures implemented in these wells have been recognized as successful both technologically and economically.
Materials and methods
Moreover, a tool for automated selection of well-candidates for repeated selective MS fracs in horizontal wells based on MS Excel (using the Visual Basic programming language) has been created and tested.
repeated selective multistage hydraulic fracturing, horizontal well, candidate-well ranking algorithm, candidate-well selection criteria, automated candidate-well ranking tool