On the influence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field on the processes of mixing non-isothermal flow of a multicomponent multiphase liquid in complex media

Khismatullina F.S. farida.khismatullina@lukoil.com “LUKOIL-Engineering” LLC Moscow
Demid M.S. Gubkin University Moscow
Zakirova D.R. Gubkin University Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-7-61-67

Classical methods of modeling multiphase multicomponent filtration, in particular, modeling of high-frequency electromagnetic (HF EM) influence on saturated reservoir use simple compressibility models, which do not take into account the effects of limited dissolution of components in each other. This method is not correct when calculating multiphase flows with phase transitions. Moreover, such calculations are performed for some hypothetical reservoirs or reservoirs with averaged properties.
In this paper we propose to use the properties of a particular reservoir directly: use the results of experimental studies of reservoir oils of the field, use specialized simulators to create a model of properties, consistent with each other, adjust the model to these results of studies, thus obtaining the distribution of properties of the real reservoir in the form of a set of fluid properties.  Instead of an equation of state, use a database of properties: density, volume coefficients as a function of pressure, temperature, and saturations at a given point in the reservoir. This database should be applied to the analytical problem to observe the reservoir behavior under the influence of high-frequency electromagnetic field (HF EMF), i.e. under the conditions of changing temperature, pressure, concentrations of components in the flow. Thus, it is proposed to connect the fundamental mathematical problem with practical field development.

Materials and methods
Results of experimental studies of reservoir oils of the field, PVT-simulator, python-script for calculation of PVT-properties.

high-frequency electromagnetic field, saturated porous medium, filtration, phase transition, fluid, high-viscosity oil, hydrocarbon reservoir, heat and mass transfer processes, non-isothermal PVT model
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