Determination of critical gas free rate of oil production wells using hydrodynamic modeling

Kulesh V.A. “RN-BashNIPIneft” LLC (“Rosneft” PJSC Group Company) Ufa
Islamov R.R. “RN-BashNIPIneft” LLC (“Rosneft” PJSC Group Company) Ufa
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2023-5-58-62

The article is devoted to the topic of determining the critical flow rate of oil wells when working with oil-and-gas pools. Critical flow rate is the well flow rate at which the equilibrium condition of the gas cone is satisfied, which makes it possible to avoid early gas breakthrough into the wells. There is a lot of controversy associated with the concept of critical flow rate in the community of engineers involved in the development of oil-and-gas pools. Questions are raised by the already existing methods for determining the critical flow rate, since their accuracy is not always satisfactory. This article provides answers to these questions as well as demonstrate the developed method for determining the critical rate using hydrodynamic modeling.

Materials and methods
The method for determining the critical flow rate was developed using the Python programming language and the hydrodynamic simulator RN-KIM.

critical rate, oil-and-gas pools, oil rim
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