Conversion of gasoline fractions into components of gasoline based on zeolite-containing catalysts

Barilchuk М. “SAPR-NEFTEORGHIM” LLC Moscow
DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-2-60-64

The purpose of research, design and design work by specialists of “SAPR-NEFTEORGHIM” LLC is to introduce into production an industrial process of joint processing of gasoline fractions mixed with oxygen-containing compounds (alcohols C1–C6 – methanol, ethanol, propanols, butanols, amyl alcohols) on a zeolite-containing catalyst. In the course of research work, a result was obtained that made it possible to select the optimal composition of the catalyst based on zeolite type ZSM-5. The introduction of this process into the technological scheme of petrochemical and oil refining enterprises makes it possible to obtain from gasoline raw materials components of class 5 gasoline containing individual benzene in its composition – no more than 1,0 % by volume, aromatic hydrocarbons (in total) – no more than 35 % by volume, olefins – no more than 18 % by volume.
The technology (technological installation) makes it possible to obtain a concentrate of aromatic hydrocarbons by changing the temperature regime and the ratio of raw materials.

Materials and methods
Zeolites of the pentasil group of the ZSM-5 type. Modifications of the TZP-724SAPR catalyst based on zeolite. Methanol, low-octane gasoline fraction, isobutane, the stabilization head of the high-octane component of gasoline. GOST 32513-2013 “Motor fuels. Unleaded gasoline. Technical conditions”. Technological installation with a reactor unit allowing to control the synthesis process, gas-liquid chromatograph “Kristallux-4000M” (Russia).

hydroisomerization, zeolite, catalyst, low-octane gasoline fraction, oxygenate, isobutane fraction, high-octane component of automobile gasoline
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