

Effective solution for field fuel depots in arctic conditions

Victor Maltsev

In difficult conditions of Russian North the issue of uninterrupted supplies is very important. Logisticians need to organize storage of fuel in sufficient quantity to ensure the work of automotive engineering transport outside of infrastructure. It is almost impossible without modern field fuel depots.

portable elastic tanks field fuel depots thermoplastic polymeric tanks field pipeline

Collapsible tanks. Description and application

Roman V. Kurgin

The article describes application of neftetanks for improvement of the efficiency of oil and gas development. Neftetank is a reservoir for long- term storage of all petroleum products.

neftetank flex

Elastic Tanks — experience in the application

Igor G. Baryshev

The article describes the experience of rescue operations during floods and application mobile tools and systems to ensure the safe development of the northern territories of Siberia and the Far East. Also the article considers problems of fuel supply for distant objects development of Siberia, the Far North and the Far East. A short review history of creation and application of elastic soft tanks, advanced thermoplastic elastomers and elastic tanks for spill response and long-term storage of petroleum products in extreme climatic conditions.

Mobile field fuel depot — Elastic tanksHigh-performance FEC technologies

Igor G. Baryshev

The article considers problems of fuel supply for distant objects developmentof Siberia, the Far North and the Far East. A short review history of creation and application of elastic soft tanks, advanced thermoplastic elastomers and elastic tanks for spill response and long-term storageof petroleum products in extreme climatic conditions.

Mobile Field Fuel Depot — Elastic Tanks High-performance FEC technologies

Igor G. Baryshev

The article considers problems of fuel supply for distant objects developmentof Siberia, the Far North and the Far East. A short review history of creation and application of elastic soft tanks, advanced thermoplastic elastomers and elastic tanks for spill response and long-term storageof petroleum products in extreme climatic conditions.


The important task in the operation of tank farms is the preservation of the quality and the quantity stored in them the product. An important instrument in the matter of prevention of losses of petroleum products is the use of respiratory valves, designed for hermetic sealing of gas space of tanks with oil and oil products and to maintain pressure in this space in the set limits, to reduce the losses of the product stored together with the fumes, and also for protection from penetration of flame into the tank.