Aleksey V. Nikolaev
The Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Moscow, Russian Federation |
The seismology and seismic prospecting within 100 years develop in parallel course. The seismology is more focused on making decisions of physical bases of a method, seismic prospecting on the solution of the practical tasks connected with survey and investigation of minerals. In the middle of the last century at Institute of physics ofthe Earth the Department of physical bases of the seismic prospecting was found, introduced the new physical principles developed in seismology, into seismic investigation. Nowadays many physical and methodical results of the past were forgotten by industrial seismic prospecting. In thenearest future achievements of the past will be restored, and the long-term future will be connected with development of new physical backgrounds, introduction of achievements of physics, a basic change of a technique ofresearches, tasks and priorities, economy and politics of survey and investigation, and the state relations.
Materials and methods
Experimental data from a study of thewave fields and the relationships between geophysical fields, the effects of nonlinearity, activity and temporal variability of real-world environments.
Quantitative characteristicsof nonlinearity, activity, temporal variability of the environment.
Continued studies of real physical properties of geological environments and processes of their evolution.
field of longitudinal and transverse waves
hierarchical heterogeneity
non-linearity of real media activity
fluctuations i