Modern onshore seismic acquisition

Mikhail B. Shneerson Sc. D., professor RSGGY, Moscow
DOI: 10.24411/2076-6785-2019-10032

Onshore seismic technology is a complex of methods that ensure seismic prospecting in different geological conditions with receiving good materials with good accuracy, wide wave frequency and high productivity.

Materials and methods

Description of new onshore shooting and results of their testing and application, that ensure to receive good materials, wide wave frequencies and high productivity.


New onshore shooting systems lighten to leading modern land seismic systems, raise productivity, help to suppression some kind of seismic noise and orient in the direction of modern field systems. The new land seismic technologies are described in the article.


Review of publications about new onshore seismic technologies scheme revealed next points:

— advantage new onshore acquisitions;

— raise the productivity shooting.

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