Yan V. Nevmerzhitskiy
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology |
Moscow nevmerzhitski_y@mail.ru |
Vadim Yu. Semaka
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology |
Moscow semakavadim@gmail.com |
Andrey V. Konyukhov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology |
Moscow konyukhov_av@mail.ru |
Ivan N. Zav'yalov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Oil and gas center MIPT |
Moscow ivenzz@mail.ru |
Natal'ya A. Zav'yalova
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Oil and gas center MIPT |
Moscow natalia.zavyalova@gmail.com |
Sergey S. Negodyaev
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; Oil and gas center MIPT |
Moscow snegod@mail.ru |
The article presents modeling software for the efficiency of the thermal oil recovery method (hereinafter - ORM) in formations with viscoplastic oils, and modeling of the options of the low-permeable reservoir production. It reports calculations for three laws of oil filtration, and evaluates the impact of the thermal treatment on the cumulative oil production.
Materials and methods
Thermal oil recovery methods, mathematic modeling
A simulator is designed allowing calculating of the efficiency of the thermal ORM during nonlinear oil filtration. Results are compared to the known analytical and numerical solutions.Efficiency of hot water injection to the formation with non-Newtonian oil is researched.
Numerical modeling results analysis shows that recording of the viscoplastic oil rheology is required when planning both high-viscosity oil field and low-permeable reservoir development.Obtained results show how important is to determine oil (and water) filtration law at each field, which stipulates applying core surveys to restore the filtration law. Considering that the rheology-temperature dependence is also defined by the sample permeability, additional research is required of the oil rheology-temperature dependence for the low-permeable reservoirs.
hard-to-recover reserves
nonlinear filtration
thermal ORM
numerical modeling