Aleksey V. Bystrik
Perm, Russian Federation |
AbstractThe problem of corrosion resistance of the working surface of the cylinders of oil-well sucker-rod pump is one of the most actual problems in the operation of pumps in corrosive well. Without high resistance to corrosion in the cylinder wells produce its resources much earlier than the consumer expects it. In order to extend the "life" of the nitrided cylinder of oil-well sucker-rod pump, save on the surface layer of a high-corrosion properties. The paper presents a methodof improving the corrosion resistance of the working surface of the cylinders of oil-wellsucker-rod pump by ion-nitriding vacuum to form a nitride zone.
Materials and methods
Vacuum ion nitriding, the depth distributionof the microhardness of the nitrided layer, the phase composition of the nitrided layer, X-ray structural analysis of the nitrided layer.
The article gives an idea about the ineffectiveness of the machining of the working surface of the cylinder of oil-well sucker-rod pump held vacuum ion-nitriding.
To operate the oil-well sucker-rod pump in the well with aggressive media should be used cylinders, which after the operation is not carried out nitriding honing. In such a case nitrided surface retains highercorrosion resistance.
cylinder corrosion
corrosion resistance
nitride zone
wear resistance
nitrided layer
the depth of the nitrided layer