
Gas industry

The effect of oil PVT-properties and critical gas saturation on the gas oil ratio during the development of oil reservoirs

Islamov R.R., , Muslimov B.Sh.,, Kulesh V.A., , Yalayev A.V., , Seredin K.I.

DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2024-4-34-39

In this paper are presented the results of calculations using hydrodynamic models carried out to study the behavior of the dynamics of the gas oil ratio during the development of an oil reservoir without maintaining reservoir pressure or with incomplete reservoir pressure maintenance.
It is shown that under conditions of incomplete compensation of reservoir pressure, depending on geological factors, the gas oil ratio can exceed the initial gas solubility by one or several orders of magnitude in case of developing a saturated oil reservoir.
The paper reflects the main tasks that were solved in the course of the work, and the obtained results.

Materials and methods
The effect of geological characteristics on dynamics of the gas oil ratio was investigated using multivariate computational hydrodynamic modeling.

associated petroleum gas, dissolved gas, gas oil ratio, hydrodynamic modeling

As to whether and how it is possible to evaluate sour gas content in the context of the limitations imposed on the gas processing plants in relation to the receipt of the associated gas

Solozhenkina E.K., Fedotkina O.S., Kozhin V.N., Demin S.V., Gilaev G.G., Starodumov V.V., Sereda I.A.

DOI: 10.24412/2076-6785-2021-1-55-61

The article gives an example of the Samara oblast fields to present methods allowing for the sustainable use of the associated gas. It shows how specifics of the associated gas production and processing in this region relates to the composition of the produced gas and undercapacity of the receiving plants. To attribute the associated gas composition to the volume of its production by the development targets, a complex approach is developed. Sour gas calculation method is developed for the field surface facilities. This method creates a possibility to make the proper quality production of the associated gas more manageable for an oil producing company, and to ensure that the plants receive a maximum amount of the associated gas.

Materials and methods
To increase the sustainability of use of the associated gas, an AG composition simulation method is suggested for the oil and gas gathering facilities. Certain input data are applied for the calculation, which include regional geology, gathering logistic scheme, gas composition, and gas volumetric production by the development targets. The article describes a method to calculate acid aggressive components in the AG supplied to the gas processing plants from the
gathering facilities.

associated gas, gas processing plants, sour gases, sustainable use level, gas composition, gas output

Automation of engineering process and monitoring development of hydrocarbon deposits

Konstantin S. Kholodnov, Nikolay N. Nikolaev, Aleksandr S. Samoylov, Sergey V. Skvortsov, Yuriy A. Dolgikh, Dmitriy G. Fateev

In the current time, the geological and technological model is the main tool for forecasting the indices of developing hydrocarbon deposits. To ensure the required accuracy of calculations, the updating and adaptation of the model to the historical development data are carried out constantly taking into account the large volumes of incoming data. The purpose of this work is to create and implement algorithms that allow to automate certain tasks of the process of designing and maintaining the development of hydrocarbon deposits. The formed approach provides accumulation, structuring and operational analysis of geological and commercial information that allows to improve the quality of adaptation of the flow model, to increase the accuracy of making managerial decisions during the development of hydrocarbon fi ds and engineering processes.

optimization development of deposits history matching software

Exploration well as a perspective element of the development system of a new field

Yuriy P. Pelivanov, Ruslan F. Sharafutdinov, Viktor P. Tyurin, Nikolay N. Nikolayev, Yuriy A. Dolgikh

Abstract The authors' proposals on the use of exploratory wells for the purpose of reducing risks while drilling production wells, substantiating optimal completions and technological regimes during the industrial development of the field are presented. Operational accounting obtained from the results of trial exploitation of exploratory wells of materials, as part of the development of design and technical documentation for the development, will reduce the uncertainty and speed up the process of preparing the field for industrial development. Materials and methods Based on the results of the analysis of the regulatory framework of Russia, recommendations are presented for minimizing risks in the development of new deposits through the use of exploratory wells. Results The use of exploratory wells is proposed for the purpose of reducing risks in the subsequent drilling of production wells, justifying optimal completions and technological regimes during the pilot-industrial and industrial development of the fi d. Conclusions Designing of exploratory wells taking into account the possibility of approbation of new construction technologies, completions, intensifi ation of infl w, telemetry and telemechanics means allows solving a wide range of tasks aimed at minimizing risks during drilling and operation of wells for the period of industrial development. In addition, exploratory wells after trial operation, bypassing the liquidation procedure, can be integrated into the fi d development system both as operational ones and as further exploration of the deposits.

trial operation risk reduction industrial development of the field exploratory wells

Determination of gas extraction levels in the Cenomanian deposits considering geological and technological constraints of the gas producing complex

Aleksandr V. Krasovskiy, Sergey L. Golofast, Evgeniy S. Zimin

An analysis is carried out in relation to risks occurring when developing gas fields at the closing stage. A calculation of the estimated development parameters is carried out based on the geological process modeling. An opportunity is reviewed to integrate the algorithms of determination of the minimum and maximum levels of gas extraction into the geological process model. Minimum and maximum levels of the extraction are calculated considering the optimal operating mode for the well stock and process equipment of standard gas field of the West Siberia.

geological and technological model well process flow pattern gas fields gas producing complex

Introduction of the technology of joint treatment of gas of the cenomanian and achimov deposits

Alexander Yu. Koryakin, Rustam N. Ismagilov, Vladimir F. Kobychev, Sergey A. Serebryanskiy

The article describes the test results of the joint operation of the Achimov and Cenomanian complex gas treatment facilities at the Urengoy oil, gas and condensate field. The supplyof separation gas from the Achimov facility to the second stage of compression of the Cenomanian facility has increased the energy efficiency of the gas pumping units due to anincrease in the load. Application of the layouts for joint exploitation of the Cenomanian and Achimov fields is future-oriented at the final stage of the development of the Cenomanian deposit.

Achimov deposits Cenomanian deposit booster compressor station interfiled gathering pipeline gas pumping unit

Gas field operational management optimization

Eldar R. Vildanov, Konstantin S. Sorokin, Igor V. Seleznev, Benik V. Khachaturyan

At the present time, the gas field is a complex system, which includes various subsystems such as: separator, pipelines, wells and reservoir. One of the actual problem of the field operational management is a gas-condensate wells regime planning. The objective is to find by iterations a wellhead pressure that will provide require production plan and will keep stabilize regime for each well.As an approach for this aim authors proposed the Levenberg - Marquardt algorithm which will describe in this article.

gas field well regime planning optimization Levenberg - Markquardt optimal management

Gas condensate tests of wells in the Achimovskaya strata of the Urengoyskoe feld

Gerasim S. Li, Oleg A. Shigidin, Anton A. Golovanov

The article describes tests and the results of the integrated exploration of formation hydrocarbon system gas-condensate characteristics of wells of the Achimov deposits of the Urengoyskoe feld, situated in the area 2A of the experimental program, concerning with the depletion ofthe reservoir energy, taking into account their unique geological and physical parameters.

Urengoyskoe field Achimov deposits integrated exploration gas-condensate characteristics

Predicting problems of offshore gas-oil-condensate fields development

Dmitriy V. Lugay, Marat N. Mansurov, Sergey A. Borodin, Oleg V. Nicolaev

One of the most important problems of offshore gas-condensate field development (were an access to a well head is restricted) - is the accurate record of wells efficiency changes during continuous exploitation. In response to this problem it is necessary to do complex experimental and theoretical researches. On the basis of experimental researches it is possible to predict: gas-liquid flows parameters in vertical, inclined and horizontal pipe sections, in accordance with multiphase “gas-watercondensate” flows; parameters of oscillatory process and the wave effect in multiphase flows. The results of experimental researches make it possible to construct and specialize mathematical models, to provide them with the required accuracy and the ultimate gas recovery.

offshore gas condensate fie

Possibilities of mobile auto-gas tankers usage in the development of the natural gas stations chain

Ilnar F. Shaykhutdinov, Liliya M. Shaykhutdinova, Gul'naz R. Karieva

The article deals with possibilities of the development of the petrol station chain, based on the compressed natural gas (CNG), where mobile auto-gas tankers are used, on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. The calculation example of the quantity of stations, based on the CNG, is given in the article.

methane CNG NGV Gas station mobile auto- gas tanker

Analysis of design and technological parameters of gas-water ejector for associated gas utilization

Ural M. Abutalipov, Andrey N. Kitabov, Pavel K. Esipov, Artem V. Ivanov

The article is devoted to the ways of efficiency gains of the gas-water ejector, used for the injection of low-pressure associated gas into the reservoir through the reservoir pressure maintenance system for its utilization. Several alternative ways of designing the unit convergent sections for optimization and coefficient of gas utilization are analyzed in the article. The results of pilot tests of the units, the comparative analysis of the results, determined advantages and disadvantages of each modification and the range of application are set out in the article. In addition, the analysis of the ejection operation of the plant is based on statistical data from intermittent test of all process parameters of the unit. Basic parameters with the significant influence on the volume of gas utilized are determined in the article.

water-gas ejector nozzle bush sleeve associated gas reservoir pressure maintenance system mixing chamber

Geological risks in the project development on the territory of the Semakovskoe gas field

Sergey A. Kirsanov, Igor' A. Zinchenko, Aleksandr V. Krasovskiy, Sergey L. Golofast

The article illustrates the relevance of the probabilistic nature of the input data, geological structure, using basic engineering solutions, look-ahead calculations, development parameters, taking into account project effectiveness evaluation (as exemplified by Semakovskoe gas field).

field development geological model technological development parameters project efficiency

Technology compressor absorption cleaning as a way of increasing the efficiency of use of associated petroleum gas

Alexander N. Blyablyas, Mikhail A. Korepanov

The article is devoted to the development and research methods to increase the efficiency of use the ballasted associated petroleum gas. The authors proposed a unique gas absorption separation technology in the layout of the existing compressor technologies for the extraction of hydrocarbons from the APG. An optimal mode of operation of the separationof APG into factions is captured, which is providing the maximum yield of the desired hydrocarbons.

aáñîðáöèîííî-êîìïðåññîðíûé ìåòîä absorption-compressor technique step increasing pressure separation of gas associated petroleum gas (APG)

Estimation of the total volume of gas flaring in the oil-producing area using Landsat 8 imagery

Gleb A. Kochergin, Matvey A. Kupriyanov, Jury M. Polishchuk

Methodical questions of an estimation of the total volume of gas flaring in the territory of the oil-producing regions, using data on the number of operating in the territory of flares, determined on the basis of satellite images. Based on regression analysis determined the relationship between the volumes of burning gas throughout the oil production areas in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KMAO) and the number of operating flares in the territory, which is defined on the basis of satellite images of medium resolution Landsat 8 for the period 2013-2015. Using the obtained regression equation determined value of the volume of flaring gas in the territory of the KMAO during the first half of 2016 are in according with the official data.

The solution to the problem of noise reduction of the volume of gas at low flow rates at GDS

Agatha R. Gadelshina, Arthur R. Galikeev, Sergey V. Kitaev

The gas-distributing stations have a significant seasonal fluctuations in natural gas consumption in different periods of work. Metering gas distribution stations cannot provide the required measurement accuracy at a low cost natural gas in the summer. To solve this problem, the paper proposed the use of a pulsed control method mode output pressure at gas distribution stations using on-off solenoid valve high pressure normalized with the orifice, ensuring a harmonized work of regulating and flow metering equipment.

gas distribution station gas flow rate metering precision pulse control mode

Degassing of unstable liquid hydrocarbons

Yan E. Yuril, Sergey A. Leontiev, Maxim S. Rogalev

In this paper we analyzed existing techniques for degassing volatile liquid hydrocarbons to determine the component-fractional composition. The aim of the study is to determine advantages and disadvantages of theexisting methods and possibilities of their practical use. A new scheme of degassing of unstable liquid hydrocarbons (ULH). The comparative results for the degassing of ULH under the new scheme and according to the standard. Reflect the issues of choice and add the working fluid and the selection of the method of degassing under fluid.

volatile liquid hydrocarbons degassing kondensatoren component-fractional composition degassed condensate gas de

Adsorption dehydration and low-temperature rectification in the processes of commercial preparation of natural gas

Stanislav N. Shevkunov

The paper discusses the features of the processes of adsorption drying and low temperature rectification in relation to the commercial preparation of gas Valanginian deposits. The advantage of the proposed technical solution is to exclude the application of inhibitors of hydrate formation and deep extraction of hydrocarbons C3+ from marketable dry gas. The result is a decrease in the cost of commercial products and increases the yield of such an expensive commercial product as wide fraction of light hydrocarbons.

gas field adsorption low temperature distillation

System for operational geological and technological control and potential planning of field development

Oleg B. Arno, Anatoliy V. Merkulov, Anatolii K. Arabskiii, Sergey P. Il’in, Sergey A. Kirsanov, Oleg S. Gatsolaev

The decline of production rates is common problem for major gas fields of Nadym-Pur- Tazovskii province. In this regard should make actual geological and porous-flow models of operational objects, should be conducted geological and technical actions in wellsand should be optimized parameters of its operational mode for planning productive and technological parameters. To achievethose goals in Gazprom dobycha Yamburg was developed unified “System for operational geological and technological control and potential planning of field development”. This system allows performing detailed calculations with use the integrated geological and technological models.

geological and technological monitoring geophysical researches field simulation production field option

Core draining while defining its relative phase permeability with a method of joint steady-state filtration

Mikhail G. Lozhkin

For the first time it was discovered that while defining relative phase permeability with the method of a joint steady-state filtration there takes place a core draining within the process of a steady-state filtration. It causes errors in definition of relative phase permeability.

steady-state filtration gas water oil relative phase permeability oil displacement gas displacement